About us


Behind this blog is a group of enthusiastic and curious young entrepreneurs, eager to learn, discover and share.

Our mission


Uprising is defined in the dictionnary as a popular revolt against a government or its policies; a rebellion. Or, an act, instance of rising up in defiance of an established government.

Only a part of this definition is conform to our values, and that part is rebellion. Rebellion against one self, against our own productivity and the value we create, not against a government or other power holders. In other words, In uprising we believe that each individual is in control of his own destiny, he’s the only one capable of shaping and building his future, and the only responsible of his success and failure. We solely believe that being jobless and unproductive, is the consequence of one’s acts and attitude; relying on others, not taking initiatives, and being passive in life.


 Our drive

We will all agree that our educational system has many imperfections, and sometimes orients us towards making ”unhealthy” decisions in our lives. We study many years to graduate of high school and struggle to join the best universities, and follow paths that were perfectly defined for us, only to end up studying subjects we don’t like, being in an environment that suppresses our sense of creativity and innovation, and being judged based upon ” marks ” and other unmeaningful standards and criterions.

It is only when it’s too late that we discover we have been fooled by ”the illusion of choice“, and worked hard to satisfy our society’s and familie’s expectations, not our personal hopes, desires and passions. We also fill our minds with theories, concepts and ideologies that are irrelevant to our daily life, unpracticle, and not really useful.


In universities we learn everything except how to deal with real life problems, how to handle relationships, how to make and manage money, how to create real value in society and help to develop our countries. We get encouraged to grow into consumers in life, not producers. We learn everything except the necessary skills to survive, thrive and flourish.

Being unable to neglect this sad reality, it is essential for us to focus on solving the issue and being oriented towards concrete solutions, and that is the reason behind the existence of “Uprising”; Sharing and discussing the necessary skills needed to succeed and to generate a positive impact on ourselves and our communities.

Our Approach


Since we are not experts ourselves, Uprising will essentially be a platform of sharing and mutual exchange. Therefore, we will be sharing content that we think is hugely important and interesting, and hugely beneficial for your personal as well as professional development. In other words, This blog can represent an awesome “Content Curation” tool for its readers, since the internet is filled with Thousands if not millions of articles and publications that are often too vague, abstract and intangible.

For a healthier exchange, and aside from providing you with a “comments section”, we will be getting in touch with influencial leaders and successful entrepreneurs all over the world, asking them to share not only their experiences with us, but mostly their life lessons and secrets to success. If you wish to contribute, share your experience with a community of young entrepreneurs, and have your writings published, please submit your article to : “Uprising2016@Gmail.com”.

Our values

Finally, to give you a hint about the overall content of this blog, These are our five core values, and the values we would like to insert and implement into everyone of us:

1. Investment


Experts in Cultural Management affirm that people in the world perceive investment in so many different ways, but there are generally two types of people: the first type is the short term oriented, the one who claims that you should live in the moment and focus on enjoying the present, because life is too short. As much as making every moment count is important, These individuals are generally not risk takers, and prefer security and stability. They also tend to focus on solving actual problems and do not worry too much about the consequences of their actions in the long term.

The second type, obviously, is the long term oriented; people who believe that ensuring a better future starts with investments, as small as they can be; investing in education, investing in research and development, building startups, increasing production and added value, and supporting creativity and initiative. You can with no doubts guess which one of these two we want you to be.

“Who says absence of risk, says absence of spectacular improvement”.

2. Entrepreneurship



As an adult and responsible individual, you can’t always expect others to act for your own good and hope everything will be easy for you. To graduate, find a job you don’t really like, get a salary that does not really fulfill all your desires, and settle for less than you deserve. This world was revolutionnized thanks to leaders who really wanted to make an impact, and create lasting and sustainable change. Maybe we wouldn’t be connected in such a way today if people like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey or Jeff Bezos choose to settle for stability and comfort rather than exploring and reaching their full potential. We all need to take initiatives, come up with creative ideas, and stimulate our amazing capacities, which brings us to the third value: Curiosity.

3. Curiosity


All the inventions and creations of human beings in history were probably the result of intense and unlimited curiosity! It is probably one of the most effective motivation factors and yet, we notice today that many people are not that much interested in discovering and exploring what is happening around them.

A lot of people are content with consuming and digesting anything that is thrown at them; watching Tv for countless hours, lying on a couch all day, and not acting to contribute with anything to the development of the community. In order to succeed in anything, and to learn anything, we need to start with stimulating our inner desires of discovery and love for exploration.

4. Reading


Since we cannot tackle all domains and fields of expertise in this blog, there is still one fundamental rule of learning and succeeding in what we do, and that rule is: reading – a lot. Many great leaders today did not complete their college education, some of them never went to school either, but they all had one thing common : A huge desire to succeed, curiosity to learn, and consequently: reading a lot.

In Books we can find all the kinds of information we need, all the skills we wish to develop, and the necessary tools and tips to be productive. That is why we set up a special section for Books reviews and resumes, to share reading tips with you and help you find books that may interest you.

Don’t stop learning and therefore creating. Invest in knowledge.

5. Production


Producing as a word can mean a lot of things, but in our context, and as the last value we want to mention, producing here will be the translation of all your acquired knowledge, lessons, information and theories into real concrete value or skills. You will already notice that we mentionned several times the words “producer” and “consumer”, as we think that differentiating between these two concepts can make a huge difference in one’s life. And that is exactly why our first article on this blog will be about this particular topic.

All our lives, we’ve been hearing that the secrets to success are Hard work, perseverance, determination, focus, etc. As much as these are essential, it’s just until recently that we noticed hearing those did not really have a huge impact on our lives! We’ve been taught to say and claim that these are the real secrets to success, but they did not really push us to create, build, invent concrete things. Real success is creating real value and making real impact. It is not having a beautiful speech and words prepared and ready to be unleashed on the first occasion.


Final Thoughts

You will certainly notice that these values go hand in hand together and are connected and indivisible! We would like to remind you that we will really appreciate your feedback on our posts, as well as your contribution and the articles you will send us at: “Uprising2016@Gmail.com”.

We also want to let you know that aside from mutual exchange and effective learning, the final goal behind this blog is to collect precious and valuable information that will be translated into a book, in the form plugs or cards, to reach a larger audience and spread knowledge on creating wealth and building startups.

Having one of your articles published will mean receiving a free copy of the book once it is published.

We sincerely thank you for your interest and contribution.

Welcome and enjoy our blog.